Green Native
This is a React Native developer support library.
In the process of working with React Native, I realized that it saves a lot of time using a support library. I also use some other public support libraries, but I feel dissatisfied or it is not suitable for me.
I hope this library of mine will help you programmers!!
npm i green-native react-native-vector-icons
npx react-native-link
import { Colors } from "green-native";
<Text style={{ color:, fontSize: 18 }}>Green Native</Text>;
Light and dark colors
<Text style={{ color: Colors.orangeDark, fontSize: 18 }}>Green Native</Text>
Social colors
<Text style={{ color:, fontSize: 18 }}>Green Native</Text>
import { Colors, Button } from "green-native"; <Button isOutLine={true} background={} boder={1} boderColor={} radius={4} onPress={() => { console.log("green-native"); }} />;
Avalailable props
Name | Type | Default |
text | string: text center button | none |
width | number | none |
height | number | none |
background | color | #28C953 |
textColor | color | #fff |
textBold | boolean | false |
fontSize | number | 14 |
radius | number | 0 |
boder | number | 0 |
boderColor | color | #28C953 |
isOutLine | boolean | false |
isDark | boolean | false |
isLight | boolean | false |
onPress | function | console.log(Green Native) |
import { Colors, CheckBox } from "green-native"; const GreenMaster = () => { const [status, setStatus] = React.useState(false); return ( <View> <CheckBox checked={status} text="This this Green Native CheckBox" textColor={Colors.messenger} iconColor={} iconCheckedColor={} onPress={() => { setStatus(!status); }} /> </View> ); };
Avalailable props
Name | Type | Default |
text | string: text right of icon | none |
checked | boolean | false |
iconType | string: AntDesign, FontAwesome... | MaterialCommunityIcons |
iconName | string: camera, rocket... | checkbox-blank-outline |
iconCheckedName | string: camera, rocket... | checkbox-marked |
iconColor | color | #607D8B |
iconCheckedColor | color | #28C953 |
iconSize | number | 30 |
textSize | number | 16 |
textColor | number | #28C953 |
onPress | function | console.log(Green Native) |
activeOpacity | number | 0.5 |
import { Colors, Spinner } from "green-native"; <Spinner type="full" size="small" transparent={true} color={Colors.orangeDark} />;
Avalailable props
type | string: full, fullscreen -> full screen | 100% |
transparent | boolean | false -> backgroundColor: '#fff' |
width | number | fullscreen |
height | number | fullscreen |
color | color | #28C953 |
size | string: large, small | large |
Keyword: green-native green native Green Native baochau baochau9xx
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